Gospel Academy
To celebrate and mark our 50th year as a charitable trust in 2020 we are seeking to open and run a new Gospel Academy in Scotland. The Academy will train and equip the Church to share and communicate the Good News of the Gospel and will offer residential accommodation to host pastors and leaders exploring our Vision trips and our short-term mission teams.
Gospel Go Team
Go Teams work alongside local churches to offer a range of ministry opportunities throughout Scotland. Team members will reach out to a wide variety of people and settings. Individual approximate cost $2,000
Gospel Church Plant
We desire to plant healthy Gospel churches across Scotland through our church-planters training and Residency program, "Multiply", which guides church-planters through 12 modules and includes assessment and mentor support to ensure pastors are equipped to launch a healthy gospel church. Approximate cost $20,000
Gospel E1B1
Each One Bring One (E1B1) is an evangelistic programme built around meals, with an after-dinner speaker, which you cannot attend if you don't bring a non-Christian friend with you! This week of evangelism follows the training and equipping of church-goers through 6 sessions of Prepare 2 Share. Approximate cost $1,000.
Gospel Apprentice
The Heralds offer many short-term internships to support and work with local churches. Interns can serve from 3-10 months depending on availability. Our goal for interns is that each will grow and mature as believers and ministry leaders. Approximate cost $1,000/ month